
The Benefits Of Yoga For Children

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dwpu_vhtYrU Listen to Episode 12 of my podcast where I talk with Sarah Rothenberg, Founder of Child's Pose Wellness about the numerous benefits of online yoga for children, and Sarah's journey from educator to entrepreneur. If you ❤️ this episode, please share it on your favorite social media channels today! And... Namaste...

Why I Meditate Before Every Meeting

Mindfulness is the hottest topic in business leadership today, for great reason. Mindfulness vs. Meditation Before you jump to the end of the article where I'll teach you one kind of meditation I practice aiding in my vitality, we need to examine key differences between mindfulness and meditation. In today's Instagram world of yoga, people lose sight of the healing roots yoking the two. Mindfulness is...

Mind Full or Mindful? Your Choice

People often ask me, "How do you manage to stay calm with everything you do?" The honest answer, it wasn't always that easy until I learned how to practice mindfulness. You see, my mind was always "full" and caught up in the uncertainty and pressure that we all face on a daily basis as human beings. I'm here to share with you 5 key ingredients to living a mindful life which will set you apart in the...

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