mental health

Suicide Prevention Trainer And Comedian Frank King

Frank King, Suicide Prevention and Postvention Public Speaker and Trainer, was a writer for The Tonight Show for 20 years, is a Corporate Comedian, syndicated humor columnist, and podcast personality, who was featured on CNN's Business Unusual. Depression and suicide run his family. He's thought about killing himself more times than he can count. He's fought a lifetime battle with depression, and...

Michael Sugrue On First Responder Culture, Change, and Compassion

Join me as I interview veteran and former Walnut Creek Police Sgt. Michael Sugrue. During our conversation we discuss the challenges first responders face when confronted with mental health challenges and career ending injuries. We also discuss the needed cultural changes offering our lived experience and tips to create better outcomes for first responders, family members, and human resources teams...

Podcast: VA Police Chief (Ret.) Dave Weiner Shares Ways Law Enforcement Can Help Heroes In Crisis

Dave Weiner is a retired Chief of Police who is also the founder of where he provides risk management consulting services to public and private organizations. In this podcast episode we discuss the work he is doing to improve the mental health outcomes for veterans in the Los Angeles County area and how leaders can learn from his innovative approach to solving the poor outcomes a...

The Most Important Workplace Conversation: Our Mental Health

Have you wondered why your workplace isn't much better than your friend's, yet the grass always seems to look greener? Or why the majority of employees are checked out at work today? It's because we aren't talking about the most important thing at work: everyone's mental health. If mindset is the most important thing to creating winning cultures, then why aren't we talking about mental health as a...

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