
How You Can Become a Better Listener

Evolving as a leader does not come without learning. Every leader I interview, I ask "tell me your top pieces of advice that you wish you had known earlier in your leadership journey." While each leader has unique offerings, learning how to listen has been a consistent theme across leaders and industries. Provided below are three tips to help you become a better listener and leader. Tip 1. Don't Talk -...

Why Companies Need to Emphasize Personal Development

Last year was a year that shined a light on prominent and important topics, from Starbucks closing its stores to conduct bias training to wide-spread #MeToo scandals across industries rocking the airwaves. Despite the billions of dollars companies spend on professional development training, it seems that these issues keep reappearing with no end in sight. Don't you think it's time to ask ourselves...

Podcast: CEO of the National Leadership Honor Society Tara Singer

Join Drew Aversa as he interviews Tara Singer who is the CEO of the National Leadership Honor Society Omicron Delta Kappa www.ODK.org In this episode you will hear a great conversation on leadership, philosophy, and ways we can come together to end the division that is plaguing industries from business to politics. Subscribe to the YouTube Channel for the...

The Most Important Workplace Conversation: Our Mental Health

Have you wondered why your workplace isn't much better than your friend's, yet the grass always seems to look greener? Or why the majority of employees are checked out at work today? It's because we aren't talking about the most important thing at work: everyone's mental health. If mindset is the most important thing to creating winning cultures, then why aren't we talking about mental health as a...

I Don’t Care If You’re Busy, I Care About You

Technology has revolutionized most things, except the art of authentic communication. Have we lost our desire to have deep, meaningful conversations to favor superficial emojis as everyone works with a sense of urgency? Each generation has struggled to communicate while finding meaning, purpose, and economic stability throughout human existence. As a trusted millennial executive who has worked with top...

Why I Meditate Before Every Meeting

Mindfulness is the hottest topic in business leadership today, for great reason. Mindfulness vs. Meditation Before you jump to the end of the article where I'll teach you one kind of meditation I practice aiding in my vitality, we need to examine key differences between mindfulness and meditation. In today's Instagram world of yoga, people lose sight of the healing roots yoking the two. Mindfulness is...

The Me in We: Becoming A Transformational Leader

I vividly recall the day I learned the importance of We vs. Me. You hear it all the time: teamwork, there’s no I in team, team success, blah blah blah. So, the story goes…a boardroom full of leaders, hitters, you know, the people you aspire to surround yourself with, industry drivers and icons. Silence breaks as the CEO gives a valuable lesson to the latest hot shot in a voice colder than Iceland,...

The Brain At War

This past week, I was honored to sit alongside our nation’s military leaders and top researchers who are fighting to change a system that has been plagued by bureaucracy vs. its mission to serve our military personnel with the highest level of integrity and care. Lessons Learned: Department of Veterans Affairs, The Veterans Health Research Institute, and Private Partners via 2015 Brain at War...

Veterans Deserve More Than A Thank You, They Deserve A Chance

Do you remember what you were doing in 1944? For most of us, the answer is no. There was a man named Albert Lawrence Spoth, a son who was orphaned off during the Great Depression and a G.I. in Patton’s Army. Albert or “Al” as he went by was one of seven men to make it out alive during a raid in the Battle of the Bulge, WWII’s costliest action ever fought by the U.S. Army. The total cost of this...

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