DISC assessment

Are You Focused On The Solution Or The Problem?

Problem Oriented, Results Oriented, or Solutions Oriented. What Are You? People have personalty traits that make them who they are. In business, personality traits are powerful because they can be an asset or a weakness, if these traits are not coached.  In my earlier article on the DiSC personality assessment, I shared how understanding your DiSC personalty profile can help you become a better...

Understanding The DISC Assessment To Lead More Effectively

WHAT IS THE DISC PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT? DiSC® is a personal assessment tool used by more than one million people every year to help improve teamwork, communication, and productivity in the workplace. Coaching clients can gain a lot of personal insight when they take the DiSC assessment and review it with their coach. After completing the DiSC assessment a pie chart will be presented with your DiSC...

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