
The Major Benefits Of Joining An Association

The power of belonging. 75% of Americans are active in one group or another, according to Pew Research Center. What this means is this, people are searching for belonging, acceptance, and a tribe to fit into. That's one of the key reasons why membership associations exist. What's a membership association?  A classic example of a membership association is the American Automobile Association (AAA) that...

The Benefits Of Adaptability

Mike Raven is the co-founder of AQai and an expert in adaptability. Adaptability is critical in order for humans to thrive because our world is changing rapidly. Learn more about the power of adaptability as Mike and I discuss how this applies to life and...

Why Companies Need to Emphasize Personal Development

Last year was a year that shined a light on prominent and important topics, from Starbucks closing its stores to conduct bias training to wide-spread #MeToo scandals across industries rocking the airwaves. Despite the billions of dollars companies spend on professional development training, it seems that these issues keep reappearing with no end in sight. Don't you think it's time to ask ourselves...

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