
The Benefits Of Yoga For Children Listen to Episode 12 of my podcast where I talk with Sarah Rothenberg, Founder of Child's Pose Wellness about the numerous benefits of online yoga for children, and Sarah's journey from educator to entrepreneur. If you ❤️ this episode, please share it on your favorite social media channels today! And... Namaste...

Next-Generation Board Leadership

Mona Goudarzian shares her story of learning how to play volleyball as a child at the Boys and Girls Club to where she sits today as a member of the Board of Directors at an Oregon Boys and Girls Club! In this episode we discuss her experience working in media, PR, and how next-generation leaders can join a...

Michael Sugrue On First Responder Culture, Change, and Compassion

Join me as I interview veteran and former Walnut Creek Police Sgt. Michael Sugrue. During our conversation we discuss the challenges first responders face when confronted with mental health challenges and career ending injuries. We also discuss the needed cultural changes offering our lived experience and tips to create better outcomes for first responders, family members, and human resources teams...

Practical Advice to Help Small Business Owners Thrive

Small businesses across the world keep our economies going as they support jobs, professional development, and local needs. From your quaint neighborhood coffee shop to after-school tutoring programs, small business ownership comes in numerous forms, industries, and sizes. According to research, small businesses present pathways to entrepreneurship and independence, yet, at the same time, 50% of small...

Social Media Platform Pros and Cons for Business Owners

Social media is a powerful way for business owners to generate brand awareness in order to capture new leads, customers, and referrals. Social media is a key piece to every brand, be it a personal brand, legacy brand, or disruptive brand. Knowing what social media platforms are out there and how to use them is key to one's business strategy. If you're looking to grow your business, the following pros and...

Understanding Cultural Differences for Today’s Business Leaders

Understanding cultural differences is an essential leadership skill in today's business environment. Whether you're an executive traveling overseas to negotiate a deal, an expat managing a footwear brand's supply chain in a foreign country, or a team member working in an organization that fosters diversity, equity, and inclusion, it's time to up your knowledge and understanding of cultural differences....

Emergency Preparedness Tips for Business Leaders

Natural disasters and man-made decisions to curb them, have left millions in the dark as fires rage in California just a few weeks after a series of earthquakes rattled key economic centers in the state. Across the country, we also see issues with sea level rise, flooding, and severe weather storms. Globally, we witness severe weather incidents from typhoons in Japan to decreased crop yields from drought....

What’s Your Company’s Year-End Headline? A Storytelling Strategy to Drive Engagement

Headlines make and break people every second in today’s digital era. If you’re at the older end of the millennial bracket like me, you may remember going outside to pick up the newspaper for your parents, and if you’re older than me, you might even recall the era of newsboys yelling, “Extra, extra, read all about it!” Emblazoned on that printed newspaper was a bold headline that spurred raucous...

Why Companies Need to Emphasize Personal Development

Last year was a year that shined a light on prominent and important topics, from Starbucks closing its stores to conduct bias training to wide-spread #MeToo scandals across industries rocking the airwaves. Despite the billions of dollars companies spend on professional development training, it seems that these issues keep reappearing with no end in sight. Don't you think it's time to ask ourselves...

Is Your Retail Store IG Worthy?

Retail environments are challenging, fast... One thing is for sure, your business needs to know a thing or two about technology today and how to leverage social media platforms. "In youth we learn; in age we understand." Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach I love working with interns and recent college graduates because they're the future. While I might know a thing or two on how to partner, manage, lead,...

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