business coaching

CONBODY CEO Coss Marte On Entrepreneurship and Life Behind Bars

Coss Marte was one of the largest drug dealers in New York City before serving time and founding Conbody Fitness. Raised in the tough streets of New York City, Coss saw the differences between the haves and the have nots. At the age of 13, he knew hustling and money might change his life like the millionaires on Wall Street who were buying drugs, and living lavish lifestyles. During his youth he was...

Launching A Business In Retail – Tony Restell & Drew Aversa

Tony Restell is the founder of Social Hire, a social media marketing firm. Tony invited me to speak with him on my outlook on the future of retail brands. I believe experiences are the way of the future for retail brands. Retail brands need to adopt digital strategies and leverage the technology ecosystem to stay relevant. What do I mean by experiences? Think about how boring grocery shopping is....

Reasons Why You’re Not Hitting Your Goals And Ways To Achieve Them

Why Goal Setting Is Important  Our business leaders set goals at the end of every year to roll into the new year with clear metrics of success. This is called strategic planning which includes goal planning. Goal planning outlines the resources needed, including time, money, personnel, and more to make them happen. Knowing this, we'll examine why people don't hit their goals and ways to make them...

Should I Start A Business?

Millions of people are entrepreneurs, and millions are getting their side-hustle on everyday. At some point comes the important question in one's life… Should I Start A Business? In this video I discuss what you should consider before starting a business so you are not like the millions of businesses out there that fail within the 5 year mark. I talk about the importance of due diligence,...

How To Improve Your Sales

Sales revenue is critical to every organization out there today. Without a solid brand, product or service, and the know-how to share your value in the market, many organizations struggle to get by. The importance of brand and how you can create a brand using color, fonts, and design elements to stand out. 2. How to scale using a minimum viable product to get lifted. 3. Why you...

Sandler Sales Training With Joe Diliberto

On this episode of the Drew Aversa Show, I invited sales trainer Joe Diliberto to join me. Joe is certified in the Sandler Sales Training method and coaches sales teams from start-ups in the San Francisco Bay Area to fortune companies. He has also led sales teams around the globe working in international markets. We discuss the sales process, sales goals, sales management, and the why behind your sales...

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