
Sexual Health Expert Dr. Ina Park

Ina Park MD, MS is the author of Strange Bedfellows: Adventures in the Science, History, and Surprising Secrets of STDs. She has more than two decades of experience speaking on the topic of STD/STIs and sexual health to groups ranging in size from ten to 800. While she is well-versed in delivering a traditional academic lecture, she loves discussing scientific concepts using storytelling and humor in away...

Why You Should Write A Book and How To Do It

Words matter. Your words also matter, and that is why you should write a book. Since Biblical times, wisdom has been passed down to future generations through written word, art, and powerful stories that are told years later. While some authors are famous, many others contribute their own talent to enrich the circle around them, helping make our world a better place. Once you start your quest to become an...

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