Speaking at Vietnam-Korea Design Center

  • 5 years ago
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Invited to speak at the Vietnam-Korea Design Center, my talk focused on how brands in Asia can differentiate themselves in the marketplace and ways to grow sales in America. To see my presentation, please CLICK HERE.

After my talk, I consulted brands during the business matchmaking session. A lot of advice was given on how to define your brand to drive a following instead of selling a commodity. I talked with tea companies, furniture manufacturing companies, an investor who funds women’s handicrafts in villages, cashew nut producers, and even a children’s storybook writer who has been doing well on Etsy!

I also met the CEO who designed the Korean Winter Olympics mascot from Mass C&G.

Do you feel the energy? Brands drive emotion to take action, to buy things, or to get engaged. Whatever industry you are in, ensure your voice is consistent, be it exhilarating or fun.

Located at 17 Yết Kiêu, Nguyễn Du, Hai Bà Trưng, Hà Nội the Vietnam-Korea Design Center is a great place to checkout on your travel to Hanoi. This space helps emerging designers grow their portfolio in addition to offering advice to brands working between the two countries. This site is a great example of how partnering between governments and leaders in their fields can create economic opportunity alongside professional growth for talented individuals.

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