Launching A Business In Retail – Tony Restell & Drew Aversa

  • 4 years ago
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Tony Restell is the founder of Social Hire, a social media marketing firm. Tony invited me to speak with him on my outlook on the future of retail brands.

I believe experiences are the way of the future for retail brands. Retail brands need to adopt digital strategies and leverage the technology ecosystem to stay relevant.

What do I mean by experiences?

Think about how boring grocery shopping is. In present state, that can change. The technology is here. Shoppers can simply put on their virtual reality glasses, take a virtual trip down the store’s aisle, ask a virtual store employee for help, and have it all bagged and sent via Uber. And for those Costco samples, they too can be sent to you via your delivery service with a digital coupon to buy one get one free on your next order.

While this might seem far off, it isn’t. The technology is here and the next-generation of shoppers is ready for it. If virtual realty isn’t your thing quite yet, retail stores can provide better experiences like the famous ice looker to dry a $1000 goose down jacket.

Given the preference for shopping online, retailers need to work extra hard to provide a WoW experience every time someone shows up.

I think the future of retail is bright for those willing to take risks and innovate. How about you?

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