The Power Of Telling Your Story
Storytelling: What It Is Since humans were created, we've been telling stories. Remember the first story about Adam and Eve; oh that apple!

Understanding The DISC Assessment To Lead More Effectively
WHAT IS THE DISC PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT? DiSC® is a personal assessment tool used by more than one million people every year to help

Reasons Why You’re Not Hitting Your Goals And Ways To Achieve Them
Why Goal Setting Is Important Our business leaders set goals at the end of every year to roll into the new year with

How To Heal Pandemic Fear And Divsion In America With Dr. Jaseon Outlaw and Drew Aversa
On the latest episode of the Drew Aversa Show, I interview Bay Area clinical psychologist Jaseon Outlaw, PhD.Jaseon Outlaw is the founder of

How To Get On Shark Tank From Coconut Girl
In this episode on the Drew Aversa Show, I interview Francheska Yamsuan, also known as Frankie, the founder of COCONUT GIRL BRANDS. We discuss

The Top 5 Restaurant Industry Trends in 2021
The Top 5 Restaurant Industry Trends in 2021 Everyone has to eat. That’s why it’s no surprise that the restaurant industry is worth