How To Journal To Achieve Your Goals

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Samuel Pepys (1633–1703) is the earliest diarist who is well known today; his diaries, preserved in Magdalene College, Cambridge, were first transcribed and published in 1825. Pepys was amongst the first who took the diary beyond mere business transaction notation, into the realm of the personal. Pepys’ contemporary John Evelyn also kept a notable diary, and their works are among the most important primary sources for the English Restoration period, and consist of eyewitness accounts of many great events, such as the Great Plague of London, and the Great Fire of London.

Today, there are many journals, from private handwritten journals that offer the maximum level of privacy to social media sites that keep a digital account of your life, evolving, preferences, career, and what’s top of mind in real time as you like, share, comment, and engage in the online world. 

From ancient philosophers to top athletes, journals have been a proven part of aiding in one’s success for many reasons. 

The Benefits Of Journaling 

There are numerous benefits of journaling that have been published. Some of the benefits of journaling include:

  • A safe space to let private thoughts flow
  • The ability to see progress, growth, and patterns 
  • Accountability to achieve one’s desired outcomes 
  • Reduced stress
  • Improved clarity, action, and results 

How To Start A Journal 

Journaling does not require a big investment, other than the investment of time with yourself. You can go down to the dollar store to buy some notepads to server as your journal, or you can buy a fancy journal online; the choice is up to you. Journaling is best done with pen and paper; while using technology is fine to store your ideas, the physical act of journaling with good ole fashioned paper and pen delivers the best results. 

The following steps can help you start journaling today:

  1. Gather your supplies for journaling, including a pen and notebook. 
  2. Find a comfortable place where you can unplug from technology, apps pinging you, and people distracting you. This is date time with yourself, so enjoy the moment. 
  3. Start writing and don’t overthink. The first step to doing anything new and uncomfortable is to actually do it without overthinking. Commit to action, instead of defining outcomes as you start. 
  4. Find a time that works best for you to keep a routine. 
  5. Find a safe spot in your house to store your journal and personal thoughts; if you are in a relationship, consider some ground rules and boundaries about your journal. 

How To Get The Most Out Of Journaling 

Now that you’ve started journaling, there are ways to maximize your time journaling. Here are a couple of suggestions to get the most out of journaling:

  • Meditate before you journal so you have a clear mind. 
  • Focus on one micro win for each day where you celebrate the smallest accomplishment, task, or movement towards your goal
  • Breakthrough challenges by identifying patterns, unhealthy beliefs, and challenges that are preventing you from achieving your goals, and consider working with a coach to help you breakthrough fully to achieve your goals 

The 30 Day Action Plan 

Taking the best from my journey, I developed a 30 Day Action plan that can help you breakthrough challenges, deepen your purpose, and learn how to journal for maximum benefit using a structured journal with daily prompts to provoke thought and action. 

If you want to learn more about journaling and the benefits of journaling, start the 30 Day Action Plan today! Seriously, what do you have to lose?

Once you’ve started your 30 Day Action Plan, schedule a FREE call with me to explore the numerous benefits of coaching and how you can get the most out of your journaling. 

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