According to a Buffalo State public relations course, there are 6 characteristics of a Goal Statement in any effective public relations campaign. Goals can be: 1. Rooted in organization’s mission and vision of success 2. General and...
According to a Buffalo State public relations course, there are 6 characteristics of a Goal Statement in any effective public relations campaign. Goals can be: 1. Rooted in organization’s mission and vision of success 2. General and...
When's the last time you took a survey of smiles per hour in your workplace? I've traveled the world and learned one universal truth, smiles are the key factor of success. Smiles do not require academic theory, they do not require a translator, and compensation can't sustain them. A smile is always a reflection of one's core; a smile is worth a thousand words. 1. Smile Audit: We can spend exorbitant sums...
There are numerous definitions for the word, profit. Profit, simply put, is a valuable return. As a non-profit leader and consultant to numerous 501c(3) and (6) organizations, I've heard countless reasons to support poor leadership and lack of vision under the guise of, "we're just a non-profit." Lesson #1: Non-profit status is a tax status, not a reason to run a poor company or defend lack of adequate...
People often ask me, "How do you manage to stay calm with everything you do?" The honest answer, it wasn't always that easy until I learned how to practice mindfulness. You see, my mind was always "full" and caught up in the uncertainty and pressure that we all face on a daily basis as human beings. I'm here to share with you 5 key ingredients to living a mindful life which will set you apart in the...
Strategy is talked about daily in business as we share our 30,000 foot vision. While strategy is great, you must have resources, tools, and alignment to execute big visions. We know what happens when a business has no vision or lacks the resources to take the latest plan to home base - people get frustrated, they leave, and they seek a lending ear to listen to how they would've saved the day. So while you...
I vividly recall the day I learned the importance of We vs. Me. You hear it all the time: teamwork, there’s no I in team, team success, blah blah blah. So, the story goes…a boardroom full of leaders, hitters, you know, the people you aspire to surround yourself with, industry drivers and icons. Silence breaks as the CEO gives a valuable lesson to the latest hot shot in a voice colder than Iceland,...
Most of us need an automobile to get from point A to point B as a result of the great American sprawl and decades of inadequate infrastructure planning. While we will save the subject of infrastructure planning and public transportation for a later topic, the mode of transportation for Americans has come quite a long way from horses to the Model T and now the Tesla. So, what does the future of...
This past week, I was honored to sit alongside our nation’s military leaders and top researchers who are fighting to change a system that has been plagued by bureaucracy vs. its mission to serve our military personnel with the highest level of integrity and care. Lessons Learned: Department of Veterans Affairs, The Veterans Health Research Institute, and Private Partners via 2015 Brain at War...
Do you remember what you were doing in 1944? For most of us, the answer is no. There was a man named Albert Lawrence Spoth, a son who was orphaned off during the Great Depression and a G.I. in Patton’s Army. Albert or “Al” as he went by was one of seven men to make it out alive during a raid in the Battle of the Bulge, WWII’s costliest action ever fought by the U.S. Army. The total cost of this...