Get More Website Traffic With These Proven Tips​

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Do you want to get more website traffic? Hi, I’m Drew Aversa, a leading business coach and marketing consultant. In this article I will teach you more about what website traffic is and why it matters for your business.

We all know that website traffic is a key factor in the success of any business. In this blog post, I will share some tips on how to increase your website traffic and make it easier for you to get more out of visitors from search engines.


Keywords are the things people will put into Google search to find what they are looking for. For example, Chinese restaurant or waterfront dining San Francisco. For professional services providers a keyword might be small business bookkeeper or affordable CPA. To understand this better, go ahead right now and type into Google search a few keywords that people would use to find your business. Next, see who comes up at the top of Google search and ranks 1-10 when you open the list of businesses near you. This is important, because this is what happens when you have a solid search engine optimization strategy for organic (unpaid) search rankings.

After deciding on the keywords for your website, it’s time to do some keyword research. The process of finding potential search terms is called “keyword planning.” This will allow you and others searching online find what they are looking for more easily by using those specific words in their searches!

Picking out just five or six relevant phrases can make all the difference between success with marketing campaigns because Google ranks sites based largely upon how many times people type these key phrases into its virtual index page-by-page rather than listing every single reference under each entry like other databases might show us when browsing back through history; so picking wisely means higher rankings during any future visits users may take advantage of four months later down road.


We have found that when we create content with a lot of personality, the audience becomes much more engaged in what they’re reading. They will want to keep coming back for updates on how things are going and even who has said something or done this specific action. Creating memorable pieces of content which captivate users through compelling stories rather than boring statistics can make all the difference between success and failure online today – especially since people spend so much time scrolling through their Facebook feeds at work instead getting actual work done anymore (35%).

Social Media

Social media is important, and it’s a good idea to keep active social pages. This will help you stay engaged with followers who might be interested in what types of products or services they offer on their site as well. If you are struggling on knowing what social media site to be on, or how to plan out a marketing calendar, be sure to get a copy of my free business book Grow It Now! The Business Leader’s Handbook…that made the Top 100 on Amazon new releases. In my book we’ll go over what social media platforms are best depending on your business goals and ideal customers. Go to the homepage of my website right now to get an e-book copy for free or purchase a paperback on Amazon today!


If you’re looking for a way to get more traffic on your site, consider advertising. It’s an effective strategy that can boost visibility and create new customers with targeted ads in places like Facebook, Twitter, or Google!

When running paid ads, it’s important to spend time designing the right ad so it converts. Paying money just to advertise is a waste of money. Additionally, you will want to test your ads against one another in a process called A | B advertisement testing. This is something social media marketing companies like my company Outsourced Marketing does for clients.

Exchange Links

To achieve higher rankings in search engines, it is essential to create backlinks from high quality domains that point at your website. These are called “exchange links”. You may consider linking with other websites or blogs of similar topics as this will help them rank well too. This tells Google that your site is real because you are leveraging the strength of the other person’s website.

Email Newsletters

In order to keep in touch with your customers and provide them the most current information about what you have going on, send email newsletters. These will allow people who want more information from a company or just one specific topic at hand access as soon as possible whether its via their inboxes every few weeks or using an automated service like MailChimp which sends out messages based off prewritten templates so there is very little input necessary beyond ideas for headlines (and sometimes subject lines) depending how often they’d like updates sent out. Email marketing is a highly effective way to build trust with people who are already on your email list or who have purchased something online, giving you permission to email them. Make sure you do not spam people with email and follow all of the laws, which often include a physical address and opt-out ability.

Take the next step to get more website traffic for your business

If you’ve been struggling to get more website traffic, don’t fret. My team of digital marketing experts can help! We will work with you on a sustainable SEO strategy that gets results and has the potential for long-term success. Let me know if we can be of assistance today. You deserve better than just average site traffic numbers – Contact Me Today and schedule a free call to discuss your business goals right now!

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