Reasons Why You Need A Business Coach

  • 4 years ago
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Everyone has had a coach at some point in their life, because coaching works. From your high school sports coach to coaches who work with presidents of countries around the world, coaches play a special role in helping people live and lead better lives.

Business coaching can help you clarify your goals, purpose, vision, and intention to create a company and culture that you’re proud of.

Since most adults spend their waking hours in the workplace, the importance of business coaching cannot be overstated.

What Is Business Coaching?

Business coaches provide a 1:1 customized approach to helping you achieve your goals, so you don’t have to waste time and energy browsing how-to forums online. Hiring the right business coach is a valuable investment if you want to grow.

Business coaches have a strong background in entrepreneurship ranging from sales, marketing, operations, and human resources. Their knowledge of business, acumen, and relationships with experts in specific fields such as tax, finance, or legal can help you accelerate growth in areas you’re lacking by leveraging their advice, insight, and strengths to compliment who you are as a business owner.

Choosing the right business coach can help you build your team and grow your business as you receive the support, accountability, and clarity to hit your goals.

Finding The Right Business Coach

Given the nature of business coaching, it’s best to schedule a free call with prospective coaches to discuss your challenges, goals, resources, and desired outcomes. From there, you can determine if coaching makes sense and how you and your coach will work together to make things happen.

Once you pay the coaching fee, the coaching process begins.

Clients that work with business coach Drew Aversa start out by taking recognized industry assessments, including the DiSC, Wheel of Life, and complete the coaching intake form and/or business assessment. After that, the assessments are reviewed together so that there is a clear baseline of where the client is in present state so that they can measure progress and see the value of coaching when they get to their desired state; and for the coach to learn everything about their business, brand, goals, and dreams.

Coaching takes place on a scheduled basis, either weekly or every other week for best results, and can be done in-person or online. During each session, clarifying questions are asked so clients can find the answers within and clarify what they need to do in order to execute on plan, alongside helpful advice based on the coach’s background. Goals are also set and tracked using an online coaching form that clients can measure progress and refer back to for action items and clear next steps.

What Can A Business Coach Help With?

Business coaching can help business owners and executives define priorities, goals, and put in place plans needed to achieve those goals.

Statistics clearly show how business coaching has helped CEOs of Fortune 500 companies to small business owners and nonprofit leaders, improve:

  • Profitability
  • Employee Engagement
  • Innovation
  • Communication
  • Service, Program, and Product Development

just to name a few.

Your business coach should be a trusted advisor and sounding board to help you see clearly, and challenge you to become the highest version of yourself so that your business and employees thrive.

At times, business owners may determine that they need help on more areas or a specific area of their business, which shifts the coaching relationship into a consulting-coaching relationship, where both parties negotiate a new fee structure based on the scope of work outside of direct coaching, should consulting work take place; otherwise, coaching is geared to have the client do the work, with the coach providing feedback, accountability, and insight through communication that provokes the client to apply critical thinking and clear action to solve their challenges.

How Can I Get More Information About Business Coaching?

To get more information about business coaching, schedule a free call today to discuss your goals and explore what’s possible. Remember, you don’t have to go at it alone!

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