5 Benefits Of A Well-Designed User Interface Design

  • 3 years ago
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Have you heard the term UX or user interface, and still don’t really know what it means? Hi, I’m Drew Aversa, a business coach and marketing consultant. In this article I will teach you more about what user experience design is and why it matters for your business.

Today, website traffic is a key factor in the success of any business. And while it’s a must to have a website, it’s even more important to consider a positive user experience to increase your website traffic and make it easier for you to get more visitors from search engines.

UX is a term that has often been thrown around in the past few years, but what does it really mean? UX design is all about creating an interface that maximizes the user’s ability to use and enjoy your product – in this case, your website, and all of the services, products, or online programs you offer. There are many benefits of having a well-designed UI, such as higher customer satisfaction rates, increased conversion rates, lower support costs and more. This article will cover 6 ways you can improve your user experience.

1. A well-designed user interface design will make it easier for users to access and navigate through your website

A user-friendly website is a beautiful thing to behold. It’s easier for visitors, who are constantly bombarded with ads and popups online on their phones or computers in this day and age of social media saturation everywhere you go – when they come across your site it has less chance at being distracting because there won’t be any distractions at all! A well designed website makes it easy for people to do business with you; and conversely, a poorly designed website and bad user experience makes people bounce off of your website. Think about it like this, what would you do if you peeked inside a bar and say an amazing hole in the wall with an incredible design? Odds are, you’d go deeper into the bar to check things out. On the opposite, if the bar was average, you might bounce. The online experience is no different, and a bounce rate is something Google tracks.

2. It will help you present the information in a way that is more appealing to them

You can make your user interface design more appealing to them by using a well-designed layout. Starting with design sketches, a user experience designer will layout the overall design, graphics, and visual experience so you can see if the design speaks to your audience. From there, buttons and call to actions can be tested to see if the information is presented in a way that is intuitive and gets people to go deeper into your site to take action. A good way of presenting information in an engaging manner is often through beautiful visuals and sharp fonts, but these are not always enough for those who have specific needs or desires. Studies show us that people prefer simple designs over cluttered ones, so keep your website functional and purposeful with a nice design feel – hint, hint, visit Apple.com and you will find a site that has a ton of user experience design principles that you can leverage into your own business website.

3. UI increased customer engagement and retention

UI designers can increase customer engagement and retention through a series of design changes in which they make it easier for users to find what they need.  This helps customers feel more confident about their purchase, and keeps people coming back for more. Again, as the world shifts to online stores, you will need to invest into designing a beautiful online store with a sound customer journey roadmap ensuring every touchpoint is well thought out. UI is also able to increase both user satisfaction with products/services because there are less missteps when navigating around each page or trying out new features; plus seeing familiar things right away encourages returning visitors to come back again soon after their initial experience – meaning higher organic traffic overall because happy consumers are being drawn into an ecosystem where product quality matches expectations.

4. UI Design can save you money and a lot of headache

Web development is not cheap. When thinking about your website design, it is important to consider user interface design because this can reduce your web development costs. If you start developing a website on an existing theme and do not consider user experience ahead of time, you can find yourself in a tough position of not being able to alter a theme such as those purchased on themeforest.com for WordPress websites. Having a designer go through the site with you ahead of time can save time, money, and headache. Imagine implementing a site to find out your customers bounce and there is no good workaround with the theme you developed – ouch. At my company Outsourced Marketing Services.com we select the right themes with you from the start and discuss user interface and user experience design considerations for your business goals.

5. UI lowers customer support costs

When you think about how your users will interface with your website, you can consider plugins that can save you time and money with customer support costs. Some of these solutions include calendar links to schedule meetings; chatbots with pre-loaded frequently asked q & a; and online live customer service that can go right to your smartphone to answer people in real time when they are on your website. All of these improve the customer experience and can save you a lot of money by not losing customers when they are on your website trying to learn more about you and your business. Frustration can also be relieved by responding to customers in real time, and in return, giving you a better chance to win positive online reviews that are critical for your online presence.

Designing a great user interface is not an easy task. It requires good communication and collaboration between the UI designer, UX expert, copywriter, product manager or developer etc. In this blog post we’ve discussed 5 benefits of well-designed user interface design which can help you create more engaging experiences for your visitors by using these principles in your next project. If you’re looking for business coaching and marketing advice, take the next step and schedule a 1:1 call with me today to discuss your business goals.

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