Why Your Gut Check Is Right

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Why Your Gut Check Is Right

Modern scientific research and ancient wisdom make it clear, the gut-brain connection is a powerful duo. In fact, your brain has a direct link and effect on your stomach and intestines. For example, just thinking about eating can entice your stomach juices to release before you even take a bite. The best part is that this is not a one-way street. Your gut can also signal to your brain when something there is a distressing issue going on, proving that both these organs are intimately connected.

 Can You Trust Your Gut?

 When someone says, “trust your gut,” they are saying to follow your intuition. Your intuition is actually the strongest when you know something deep inside yourself without validating evidence to back it up. It can be the signal to tell your brain that something is not right or is off, and it is time to either fight or flight. While people look to external validation in our modern world that’s built on Yelp reviews to Facebook likes as social proof, your body has evolved with a hardwired survival mechanism, aka your gut check. So, how do you trust what’s outside of you when there’s a deep rooted truth within you? The best way for you to have an accurate gut check and be confident that your intuition is correct is by giving your gut the proper care to do such an act. Yep, that means eating healthy foods, taking in the right nutrition, and pedestaling your health to strengthen your gut-brain connection, while trusting the visceral signals from a healthy source.

Gut Health and Microbiome

 It might feel uneasy to think about this, but your body is filled with trillions of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. These microscopic things are collectively known as microbiomes. Sure, some of these can be bad for your immune system, but others are really good for your overall health. Heading back over to your gut again, gut microbiomes are those bacteria and friends living in your stomach. For the good ones that do not cause things like IBS, they work by communicating with the intestinal cells, allowing you to digest certain foods without letting disease-causing bacteria stick to the intestinal walls. And again, those same gut microbes are pretty evident in producing brain chemicals and communicating with the nerves that are connected to the brain.

Fun Fact: Although serotonin is manufactured in the brain, where it performs its primary functions, some 90% of our serotonin supply is found in the digestive tract and in blood platelets.

Viome Microbiome Testing

If you are curious to see what your own gut microbiome colony looks like, you can do so through microbiome testing. This simple, yet advanced test, is something that you can do in the comfort of your own home to discover ways to improve your health through personalized recommendations based on your body’s makeup at the cellular level. When you leverage tests like VIOME, you will receive insights into your microbiome, along with personalized food selections you should prioritize to improve your health based on the findings.

If you choose to follow the recommendations from your results, you might discover how real the gut-brain connection is, as you focus on nutritional guidance aimed to improve this critical connection. From obtaining more energy, maintaining a healthier weight, sleeping better, to being that person in the office who comes up with all the best ideas derived from a high functioning mind-body connection, tests like this can get you moving in the right direction to integrate these recommendations into your peak performance plan. While tests like these aren’t covered by mainstream healthcare, as of yet, they are used by driven individuals who want the best insights into their body in real-time.

Prioritize Your Gut Health for Better Decision Making

  Understanding your gut is interconnected with your brain, the future of food as medicine will further reinforce the importance of proper nutrition to keep you, your mind, and your body as healthy as you can be. From a workplace standpoint, insights into our own health can increase human performance, as humans are guided with personalized information, creating their own performance dashboard for success as they leverage science based recommendations specific to their own body’s composition, instead of a generalized food pyramid that doesn’t work for everyone.

Overall, nutrition is a key to better decision-making with a clean gut-brain connection, and feeling full of energy. So, if you ever feel like you’re feeling off, your brain is fogged, or you feel downright lousy, check your gut. It has more power over your mind than you might have previously thought.

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